Usually, when people move they want to take all their items with them. However, is it really necessary? You might be relocating to Las Vegas, which is far away from your current home. Then, moving an entire household might be difficult and expensive. In order not to spend too much money and time on your move, here are some items you should leave behind when moving far away. As you will see, movers usually do not transport some of these items due to rules, and others will just be in the way.

Find a moving company
Before you read about the items you should leave behind when moving, here is a quick guide on how to find the right movers. First, ask your friends and family for recommendations. If this is not an option, then search on google. Visit several official websites from several different companies. See what they offer, note down their contact information, and so on. Next, read moving reviews about those companies to see what people generally think of them. If they have mostly positive reviews, schedule an appointment. Here, ask all the questions that you are interested in. In addition to this, check if they have a license issued by the FMSCA. You can also check their track record by visiting the BBB.
Items you should leave behind when moving – Part I
Here is the first part of the list of the things you should leave behind when long distance movers Las Vegas come to pick them up.
- Owner’s manuals – if you are not moving your house appliances, leave manuals behind as well. New residents can consult those manuals if they do not know how to use appliances.
- Plants – it is always great to keep plants in your home because of all the health benefits. However, in most cases, plants do not survive a long drive. For this reason, it is best to leave them behind and buy the new ones.
- Curtains – if you live in a rental home, you should leave the curtains on the windows.
- Light Fixtures – if you plan to sell your home, leave the light fixture in the house. Most people will not buy an empty home without light fixtures.
Items you should leave behind when moving – Part II
The second part of the list of the items you should leave behind when moving.
- Old clothing – there is no point in moving old clothes. You probably will not wear them ever again. Therefore, you are just wasting money and space by moving them. It would be better if you sell or donate old clothes if they are still in good condition.
- In-ground features – all the items secured in the ground are not for moving. These include mailboxes, birdhouses, yard lights, fire pits, and so on.
- Outdoor plants – trees, shrubs, and other plants should be left behind. You can take cuttings to propagate at your new place but not the whole shrub.