When moving, people are mostly focused on the period before the move. Everything is done in a hurry, hectic, and full of stress. This leaves the period after the move completely without preparation. But luckily, the post-relocation period doesn’t need too much planning and thinking. Nevertheless, some packing and moving companies Las Vegas can help you with both. If it is your first time moving, you will likely be confused as to what is needed. Not much to be honest, a simple bag or box for every family member will be just enough. In this article, we will give you a Las Vegas packing list of the things that you will need after moving.
What is included in our Las Vegas packing list?
The things that you will need to pack will vary depending on the person, but the majority of people need similar items. Taking into consideration that you hired help for moving to Nevada, you won’t have packed boxes around the house for a long time. So, you will only need the basics for 2-3 days. The Las Vegas packing list is not long also because you can find anything in this city. But some of the basics that you should bring are:
- Basic toiletries
- Clothes
- Bedroom essentials
- Favorite kitchen tools
- Medications
Basic toiletries
Bathroom cabinets tend to always be crowded, but you don’t need all of that right away. Moving into an empty place can be tricky since you will always forget something. But the basics that moving services Las Vegas can pack for you are dental hygiene tools, toilet paper, soap, and towels. Anything more than that can be bought afterwards, since you likely won’t have a spa day on the first-night post moving.
Depending on how much time you will wait to start unpacking, you should bring the appropriate amount of clothes. A few changes of clothes for each family member is usually alright, with some extra if you have kids. And don’t try to be stylish, you will likely prefer being comfortable instead.
Bedroom essentials
Forgetting the bedroom essentials is something that has happened to many first-time movers. That’s why some residential moving companies Las Vegas like to remind people to bring these items with them. There is nothing worse than getting to your new home only to find out that you forgot to pack bedsheets. Since you likely have spare ones, you can pack this well before you finish packing, so that you have it ready for once you need it.
Kitchen tools
It is completely understandable if you want to order takeout after moving. But at some point, you will have to meal prep yourself. To avoid going through packed boxes, put aside a box with your favorite kitchen necessities. This way you will have the needed tools at hand for when hunger strikes.
This is an item category that should be part of the essentials bag, for everyone. People that take medications daily need to do this without a thought, but even someone who doesn’t, should have basic medication at hand. Painkillers and first aid kit essentials are a good addition for a time when unexpected things can happen.
Conclusion on our Las Vegas packing list
Even though our Las Vegas packing list includes the most basic items, you might need more things than that. Whatever you think you will need before unpacking everything, don’t hesitate to pack it. Just keep in mind that more than one box per person is likely too much. Good luck packing!