Keeping track of everything you possess may appear simple until you move and are forced to recollect every item you own. Maintaining track of your assets is critical during a move, as it allows you to check that all of your possessions completed the journey to your new home. Creating a moving inventory list ensures that you have an itemized record to refer to while you unpack your boxes. While residential moving companies Las Vegas may prepare an inventory of your household things for you, it is preferable for you to document the contents of your home yourself. Creating a moving checklist for your house may be as simple as taking notes in a notepad as you travel from room to room. In today’s article, we will share with you how to make a moving inventory in 3 steps.
What exactly is a moving inventory?
All of your home’s most prized possessions and their estimated values are listed on a moving inventory form. This may sound laborious, but it will save you money in the long run whether you move, unpack, or sign up for homeowners or renters insurance in the future. The more information you include in your inventory of home goods, the better. There is no better place to begin than with your furniture and then go on to gadgets, appliances, and other room-enhancing products (rugs, lamps, knickknacks, and so on).
All of your valuables should be included as well. Don’t limit yourself to only jewelry; consider collecting goods like coins or baseball cards as well as fine art. Clothing, DVD/CD collections, and other non-essentials should be noted. Basically, everything you’d have to replace in the event of a break-in, fire, flood, or another disaster should be included in your moving inventory list. If you’re having trouble with creating your list, call a loved one to help you. Our senior movers are always available to help you organize and execute a move successfully.
You should make a home inventory list for:
- Moving. Make sure you have everything you need before you begin unpacking, whether you hire a moving company or do it yourself. If you employ a moving company, it’s imperative that you identify the condition of the objects you’re transporting. You must verify that all of your possessions have arrived safely and undamaged.
- Filing for homeowner insurance: A list of all objects that were damaged or lost in the case of a fire, flood, or another natural catastrophe must be provided when making a claim for replacement. A home inventory must include pricing if you plan to include the estimated market worth of each item.
- Renter’s insurance: Taking out a policy Renters insurance protects your possessions in the event of theft or natural disaster while you’re renting an apartment. An inventory list will be requested by the insurance company in order to assess the cost of replacing the items and consequently the amount of your insurance coverage and premium.
- Obtaining a warrant: You’ll need to provide the police with a detailed inventory of all the objects that have been stolen from your home. You may also use this list to determine whether or not to make an insurance claim.
- Organizing and de-cluttering the house: When you have so many items, it’s easy to lose track of what you own. Keeping track of your valuables might help you avoid wasteful spending and locate your most prized possessions more readily.
How to make a moving inventory in 3 steps
When relocating, it’s highly advisable to create a moving inventory. If your personal things are destroyed or stolen, you will not be reimbursed unless you have documentation of their condition before the incident occurs. Now, we’ll teach you how to make a moving inventory in 3 steps. You’ll have your moving checklist in a matter of minutes! If you’re really in a hurry, feel free to contact our same day movers Las Vegas and you’ll be all settled in no time.
Step 1: Structure your inventory list
Make a three-columned list on a piece of paper or on your computer. Then, write down the things you want to do. It should say “Item Name,” “Brand,” and “Column One.” “condition” should be in column two, and “estimated value” should be in column three. Every room should follow this same pattern, so don’t forget to do it.
Step 2: Inventory each room separately
Make a list of everything in your first room. Make sure you don’t forget: the more information you have, the better it is for your project. Write down the number of books, framed pictures, knickknacks, and so on that is on the bookshelf. If there is a bookshelf in the room, write down everything that is on it. Take note of each item’s condition and value. Our reliable movers Las Vegas are always there to assist you with packing and moving afterward.
Step 3: Assign each item to a room and take photos
On the top of each page of the items on your moving list, write down where you want to put them. It’s also a good idea to write down where you want to move things if you plan to move them. To add to your packing list, take pictures or videos of everything in each room. Do this if you take pictures. Print them out and put them on the right page of your moving inventory list. If you want to record your process, take one video for each room. When you save that video, name it after the room it shows. To move, you should put a copy of all of your videos on a flash drive and keep it in a safe place with your home inventory list. If you’re not the most organized person, you can use an app like Sortly, for example. It will make creating an inventory list a lot easier.
You’ll see that to make a moving inventory in 3 steps isn’t all that hard. And it’s necessary to make sure that all of your things go with you. Plus, if you ever need to file a homeowners or renters insurance claim, this will be a good thing to have on hand. Think of a packing inventory as an extra layer of protection. We wish you a very happy relocation!