Most of the companies have one thing in common. They have started as a small business. So, if you are planning a relocation, the chances are that you are expanding. And this further means that your business has been successful. Now, as you are planning to move, you will need some information to prepare well. First, you need to calculate the cost of your office relocation in LV. And, to be able to calculate, you need to know what costs to expect. Basically, we can divide costs into expected and unexpected ones. Due to the last category, it is always wise to set aside some contingency funds. Such funds are usually 10% of your moving budget. And, the base for calculating your office moving budget will be the cost estimation provided by office movers Las Vegas. Additionally, they can help you to establish the moving budget breakdown.
Moving to a new office is a chance for a new start
So, office change is always giving a fresh start to any company. And, moving into a new, nicely set, and well-decorated office is refreshing. Don’t be surprised to see your team working with renewed enthusiasm. Changing the office may easily result in an innovative way of thinking. Your employees may easily come up with new ideas. Some long-lasting problems could be also easily solved. In modern psychology, it is known as “thinking out of the box”. So, when moving to a new office, you will not only get bigger premises. That will also influence your employees. They will feel more motivated. Thus, they will achieve better working results.
Moving an office is not an easy task
Although you expect to move to a better and larger space, moving is not easy. And no matter how good is your professional help, stress is inevitable. Actually, the main factor causing the stress is time. Besides, not all companies have the luxury to stop their work completely. And to dedicate the time to relocation. So, that is why many companies are deciding to hire professional help. By hiring services of trustworthy and reliable movers Las Vegas, you will be able to continue your office operations. Although they will be reduced during the transition, you will not have to stop working completely.
Besides that, many LA-based companies are deciding to relocate to already fully set and furnished offices. Depending on the size of your team, you can rent only a few offices. Or, you can get a fully furnished and full-floor offices. Those are foreseen to accommodate larger teams. All this will make your office relocation faster. And cheaper. Instead of moving your old furniture, you will just sell it. And you will basically move only your documentation. And your IT equipment. In this way, the total cost of relocation will be much lower.
What should you consider when preparing to calculate the cost of your office relocation in LV?
When drafting a moving budget, you will have to take into consideration:
- direct moving costs
- indirect moving costs
Also, every relocation has its hidden costs. So, you can expect that your office relocation will have them too. Those are the costs that you are not expecting. It is usually happening to people when they are moving for the first time.
Direct costs to calculate for your office moving in LV
The usual direct costs that you will have to account for are:
- Equipment packing
- Equipment moving
- Cables installation
- Legal fees
- Purchasing the new furniture
- Purchasing new office decorations
The sum total of the direct costs will present a big part of your office moving cost. Also, in case you don’t know how much the service of movers Las Vegas cost, give them a call. The cost estimation they provide will be one of the major costs in your moving budget.
Equipment packing
The costs of the packing materials and labor costs for the office equipment will depend on the size of your office. So, moving the bigger size office will be more expensive.
Equipment moving
This is one of the most obvious costs. And it will also depend on the amount of equipment that you are moving. Generally, the more equipment you have, the movers will use the larger truck. Also, they will need more time to load and unload it. Thus, you will have to pay more when moving a larger amount of equipment.
Cables installation
Every office, regardless of the size, must have an office network. And, everything has to work correctly. So, even for a small office, you will need professional assistance for this job. This is not something that an ordinary person can do. A good office setup will require the electricians and the IT experts. So, the costs will, like in other cases, depend on the office size. And on the amount of the equipment that they need to install.
Legal fees
In case you were moving your office before, you already know how much paperwork you had to complete. And, in most cases, you will have to include an attorney to help you. So, one of the costs you have to foresee is the attorney’s fee. In case you are purchasing new business premises, you will have to inspect the new property. Also, you’ll have to make sure that the property has all the necessary licenses and permits. The same goes for renting. One of the things is to make sure the premises are legally registered for business operations.
Purchasing the new furniture
Most business owners, when changing their office, are purchasing the new furniture. The reason is twofold. First, most of the old furniture will not match the new office layout. Second, the old furniture, especially very old, might not survive disassembling and reassembling. However, hiring office furniture moving in Las Vegas is still recommendable. They can help you to bring the new furniture into the office. And they will know how to properly assemble every piece in a proper way.
Purchasing new office decorations
Regardless if you are buying or renting, the new office decorations will give it a personalized touch. Also, you might want to add your own branding and logos.
Include the indirect costs when you calculate the cost of your office relocation in LV
Such costs are:
- costs of moving during business hours
- failure of the newly installed office system
- hiring an expert to help for organizing the new office space
- the time that employees need to adjust
Costs of moving during business hours
Usually, it is much cheaper to move during weekdays. However, for companies moving on weekdays is not the best solution. They will have to pause their work. It can also affect the work schedules of the employees. So, although it is considered a more costly option, it is more convenient to move the office on weekends. And the higher price of moving has to be taken into consideration.
Failure of the newly installed office system
Problems with new network equipment are rather common. Such failures can cause loss of business hours. And, depending on how serious the problem is, they can be easily repaired. Or they can cause considerable damage. So, when moving an office, you should account for such a king of costs.
Hiring an expert for organizing the new office space
If you wish for an ideal layout for a new office, you have to hire an interior designer. Not only that they will arrange your office to look nice. They will set it in a space-efficient way.
The time that employees need to adjust
Most of the employees will like the new place. However, they will need time to adjust to the new office layout. In the meanwhile, they will need more time to complete tasks. So, the business will not go as smoothly as usual in the beginning period.
Calculating costs of moving office
As we can see, there will be various costs that you have to take into account. Some of the costs will occur before the move. You also have to expect costs associated with the moving time. And there will be some costs arising after the move. To prepare yourself you will have to calculate costs as precisely as possible. And you will have to budget for direct and indirect costs. We hope that this will help you understand how to calculate the cost of your office relocation in LV. And that you will be able to foresee the needed moving budget precisely.