Moving your office to Nevada is definitely a good choice. The companies there are able to keep their operating costs low. The reason is that Nevada doesn’t have corporate taxes. Also, it can be beneficial to companies’ employees. Nevada is one of the states where employees are exempt from income tax. Or maybe you are just moving the office within the state? Well, in both cases you will have to set your moving time. And you have to set it as precisely as possible. So, you will need to estimate how far in advance should you plan your office relocation. What if you are not sure how to do it properly? Well, the reliable Nevada movers have profound experience in commercial moving. And they can help you to make a good moving plan.

Why is it necessary to determine the exact time of office relocation?
Relocating to a new office can be exciting. Hearing the news, people often envision a perfectly organized new office. However, managers will see the whole affair from another angle. They are usually tasked to organize the move. So, what if they miss the time needed for preparations? In case they left too short a time for completion, the relocation will be delayed. And what if they thought they needed more time to prepare? Well, things in the old office will be packed. And the new office will not be ready for moving in. So, in both cases, there will be financial implications.
Expect that not everyone will be happy with the news
Organizing the move, you have to keep your employees in mind. Count that some employees will not be happy to hear the news. The family people may not be able to leave the present residence. And you will need to find the appropriate change for them. Especially if you are losing valuable exerts.
People should be informed timely about your office relocation plan
So, it is very important to inform all personnel about the coming change timely. If you are moving to Nevada, that will give them enough time to find new employment. It can also be the case if you are moving to another town. So, you will have to post vacancies. And you will need time to select the new people. Such things have an effect on the overall time you need for move preparation. And you have to take them into consideration when planning.
So, how far in advance should you plan your office relocation?
We already saw some factors influencing the move preparation time. However, there are some other factors:
- How big is the office you are moving in
- How many things do you have to move
- What if those items are sensitive and need special handling
- Do you have people who can handle such a job, or do you need to hire experts (moving computers, servers, etc.)
- Are you expanding a job and need to employ more people
- How many of the existing employees will have to leave
- How fast the security company can install the security/check-in system (which is also used for salary calculation, as it records in and our time)
- When the new office will be ready to move in
There are many questions you will have to take into consideration. However, the general opinion is that six months is enough to organize the office move. In case you are relocating bigger office, you should plan more time for preparations. In case of moving some larger companies, you will need up to two years preparation periods.
What to do six months prior to your office relocation?
Deciding on how far in advance should you plan your office relocation, you can start. Making a detailed project plan will help you a lot. The plan should define the tasks and responsible persons. Commercial planning is much more complicated than a residential move. In case you are moving office for the first time, you can always ask for assistance. Office movers Las Vegas can help you with their experience. They can assist in making the office relocation plan. And they can provide the move supervisor, to make the tasks go smoothly.
So, besides the already stated, six months before the move, you will:
- Make a review of your current lease
- Check the best Nevada moving companies
- Set a moving budget
- Decide if you need additional moving insurance
- Create a moving team (one of their tasks will be to keep the employees informed about the preparation process)
Four months before the relocation date you will complete additional tasks related to your office relocation
In this period, you should notify the current landlord or office management about your move. You will inform them about lease termination. This will give them enough time to announce a vacancy and find other tenants.
Besides, you should also inform your local partners, affiliates, and suppliers about the change. That will give them and you enough time to plan further. Maybe they will not be able to continue cooperation. So, they will have enough time to find other partners. The same goes for you.
Three months in advance is the right time to start working on your new office
It is becoming clear how far in advance should you plan your office relocation. The whole endeavor is now getting a structure. So, in this period you should:
- Review office equipment (see what to move, what to discard, and how many new things you should buy)
- Hire a designer (your new office will have a different layout than the old one. So, the new space has to be adjusted to your needs)
- Order special equipment (as a security system, the access cars, keys for employees)
It is also the right time to get the moving quotes Las Vegas. And the time to set the exact moving date with the chosen moving company.
Two months prior to office relocation of your office
The designer has already made the office areas for employers. So, now is the time to work on details. You need to meet the communication and internet providers. You will need multiple phone lines in the new office. And of course, you will need a reliable internet connection. Also, you will need to engage electricians. They will set the ethernet connections, power sockets, and common areas. And they will take care of proper lighting in the office.
Things you should complete during the last month before the relocation
The preparation period is almost finished. With professional assistance, you are completing everything at the right time. What remains is to make an inventory. You will also provide the moving supplies. So, the employees will pack their desks. During this time, you have to call the old and new utility providers. That way, you will set the date for utility cancellation for the old office. And the date when the new providers with start to supply your new premises.
In this period, you will also have to update your address in banks and financial institutions. The same you will do at your website and mail signatures.
The office relocation day has come
With the assistance of professionals, you have completed these demanding tasks timely. Also, your dedicated staff was an excellent help in completing the preparations. You managed to find the right measure of how far in advance should you plan your office relocation. Your things are now successfully moved to your new office. What remains is to unpack the basic things and start working. The rest of the things you can unpack gradually. And in a few weeks, your new office will be fully operational.